
How to Find Your Dream Girl in 2013

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Here are my top five steps for finding your dream girl in 2013.

#1 Approach More Women

Most guys think they are rubbish at approaching women and the truth is that they dont do it. They tell me that they arent meeting anyone as though just by sitting around their dream girl is going to appear round the corner and fall into their arms. Fortune favours the brave and going out o approach women takes serious guts  but if you want the great result (meeting your dream girl) it isnt going to happen if youre sitting around at home. So if you see the like of a girl then go and tell her.

#2 Ditch the Excuses

I hear so many guys who are down about their love life either make up bullshit excuses (oh Im too picky so Ill never meet anyone or when I go out I cant be bothered to meet women. Or they blame their age or looks or status or where they live. Control the controllable and do what you can in the circumstances that you are given. If you take responsibility you will try harder and get netter results so if youre not getting what you want go out and change it.

#3 Make Your Life Interesting

There are so many guys, particularly in the PUA community who spend their entire lives going out and talking to women  at the expense of having any kind of life. So do interesting things, meet interesting people and have an interesting life. This will make you a more interesting person to date but crucially it will increase the value of your spare time. If you have lots of stuff you enjoy doing you will raise your standards for who you would be willing to spend your time with. You will seem less desperate and this will come across when you talk to girls

#4 Learn Some Cool Places for Dates

Its important that your dates are good if you want to spark something special. One way to do this is to put some time and effort into the dates that you go on. If you know some cool bars, fun things to do and great restaurants then this will help you in two really important ways. Firstly, if you are somewhere you like and are comfortable then this is likely to make the girl relax, if you re both relaxed there is more chance of your real personality coming out and making a good connection. Secondly, you will get brownie points for the girl for knowing cool places to go  important if you are trying to meet your dream girl.

#5 Think About Who Your Dream Girl Is.

What sort of person are you looking to meet? Be as specific as you can about this, be more open minded about looks and more specific about the sort of person they are. For example it is important to me that they are ambitious and that they enjoy talking about business problems and its also important they arent influenced by what other people think about them. By thinking about this you are doing something very important in that are becoming the chooser and not settling. This will come across when you meet women and women want to be chosen  no girl wants a guy to have settled for them.

This article was written by Doug Haines who is a director at The London School of Attraction.