
Treasured Items... David St John James

From delicately placing mighty crustaceans in to the crevices of impressive, ice white Stone Island outerwear to coercing Nigella Lawson in to her favourite marigolds to slipping a beautifully cut Richard James suit over the shoulders of Will Ferrell, David St John James, over the last twelve months alone, has provided countless moments to treasure inside the pages of Port. Ever since the publication made its assured and confident debut back in March 2011, the self-styled "intelligent magazine for men" has filled a gap in this somewhat confused and unoriginal market. Thanks largely to its mouth watering roster of contributors, eye for detail and obvious passion, it is a publication that continuously provokes thought, ignites imagination and surprises. Its Fashion Director, freelance stylist and consultant St John James encapsulates and continues to provide many of these traits. So, who better to partake in a spot of show and tell? Here, he rifles through just one of his cherished scrapbooks and picks out his most loved and most worn sweatshirt.


David St. John James and the style scrapbook


"I have to be very honest with you, having given this some thought, I don't really treasure much in the way of clothing. I love clothes and I look after them but if the house was burning down I would probably let them go up in flames whilst I grabbed boxes of photographes and things I have collected over the years. I treasure my souvenirs and memories, from old badges, cards, pages torn out of magazines, menu's, trinkets, unnecessary plastic objects and so on. Given the style element of the decision, I had to grab a selection of scrapbook images from what I had at hand. I still have stacks of stuff I have yet to deal with and organise. The picture of the yellow trousers with whales and the one of Mathew Broderick I have had for absolutely ages."


and the cosily double extra large Peanuts sweatshirt...


"This sweatshirt came in to my possesion while shopping and pulling samples for a job. I saw it and decided I needed to own it. I love Halloween and candy corn and it reminded me of my American heritage. In addition to loving Halloween, I've been a big fan of Peanuts ever since I was little, so it makes me happy. My earliest memories of Peanuts is Christmas. The animated film, Charlie Brown Christmas was played every year on television. For all I know, it still is. This was my favourite scene. It has a beautiful soundtrack by Vince Guaraldi Trio, which I own and still play every year. The sweatshirt itself, is extra, extra large and it gets worn constantly. On occasion, I have worn it outside but not for a very long time, these days it's strictly comfy home time only. It is of great comfort and I would be a little sad to see it gone." David St John James.
